Join the Campaign to Protect Care4Kids
You may have received an email from the Alliance on May 8 regarding the current budget mess and the potential for more drastic cuts to spending. To protect Connecticut's vulnerable families who need to work and care for their children, Care4Kids funds CANNOT be cut any further. Contact your legislators through this YMCA advocacy tool LINK and to learn more about the campaign, click HERE. You can also join our THUNDERCLAP, which will use your social media (Twitter, Facebook, and/or Tumblr), to push out a common message at the same time to amplify our presence. Click HERE to support the Thunderclap! We need 100 supporters to make our message go live!
ZERO TO THREE'S Strolling Thunder Included CT Family
Last week, an Early Head Start family from Connecticut participated in "Strolling Thunder," where babies and families from all 50 states come together in Washington to tell Congress to "think babies!" Stephanie and her daughter, Taylor, represented Early Head Start and All Our Kin, speaking to members of Congress, including Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro. ZERO TO THREE designed the "Think Babies" campaign to promote enriching early experiences and a strong foundation for development from the start. Science shows the human brain grows faster between zero and three than any other time in our lives.
QRIS Listening Sessions
Statewide listening sessions have begun on the draft Quality Recognition and Improvement System (QRIS). To see the list of upcoming listening sessions, click HERE. To take a look at the draft QRIS, click HERE (you'll have to turn the document).
Campaign for Paid Family Leave Holds Mother's Day-Themed Lobby Day at Capitol
On Thursday, May 11, from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m., three days before Mother's Day, the Campaign for Paid Family Leave will hold a lobby day at the State Capitol. If you can't be present (and even if you can), join the Thunderclap and lend your social media presence to the cause. To sign up for the Thunderclap (the same message will go out at the same time for maximum impact), click HERE.
Other ways to take part:
- Add #PaidLeave4CT image filter to your Facebook or Twitter photo. To obtain the filter, click HERE.
- Contact your legislators! Call or email your legislators and tell them why Paid Family and Medical Leave is important to you. Not sure who your legislators are? Click HERE.
For more information and to RSVP, click HERE.
ZERO TO THREE Statement on Passage of AHCA by U.S. House of Representatives
ZERO TO THREE has released a statement regarding the recently-passed AHCA by the U.S. House of Representatives: It "is a non-starter for America's hard-working families." To read the full statement, click HERE.
Kids Count Special Report: Race Equity in the Five Connecticuts
On May 15 from 10 a.m.-12 p.m., in Room 1D of the Legislative Office Building in Hartford, CAHS, in conjunction with the Commission on Women, Children, and Seniors, will release its Annie E. Casey Kids Count Special Report: Race Equity in the Five Connecticuts. The report analyzes how place and race influence how children and families fare, looking at data based upon geographic location and race. In order to do this, CAHS used data samples from five Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAS), representing areas in Connecticut: Rural, Suburban, Urban Periphery, Urban, and Wealthy. The event will include two panels: one featuring key stakeholders and legislators and the other featuring data experts from across Connecticut. To RSVP, click HERE.
HAEYC to Host Annual Dinner
The Hartford Association for the Education of Young Children (HAEYC) invites your attendance to its "Annual Dinner Meeting" on June 20, 6 p.m., at the Hartford/Windsor Marriott in Windsor. The keynote and dinner begin at 6:45 p.m.The keynote will be Mary Dineen Elovich, who will present on self-compassion and teacher well-being. The night also serves as an evening or recognition, as individuals and programs are recognized for the important roles played. Professional development hours will be provided. The cost is $20 for HAEYC/NAEYC members and $35 for non-members. To register, click HERE. HAEYC is also seeking nominations for its Caring Co-worker Award to be presented the same evening. If you know of someone who should be nominated, fill this document out and send it back to HAEYC by June 13.
Support for the Alliance comes from of our members and our funders: The William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund, Connecticut Health Foundation, Children's Fund of Connecticut, Connecticut Community Foundation, Community Foundation of Greater New Britain, Community Foundation of Greater New Haven, The Fund for Greater Hartford, and The Eder Family Foundation