Connecticut Leads Nation with Baby Bonds
On July 1st 2023 Connecticut became the first state in the country to implement Baby Bonds. As of midnight, every baby born in the state on HUSKY, Connecticut's Medicaid program, will have $3,200 deposited into an account at the state Treasurer's office. That will grow to an estimated $11,000 by the time they are 18 and as much as $24,000 if wait until age 30. Those funds can be used to: pay for college or job training, buy a house, start or invest in a business, or for retirement.
Read moreStaffing shortages impact child care programs
In a survey conducted in May of 2023 programs report continued staffing problems and reduced ability to serve families seeking care. The survey of 227 Center based programs was the third over the past 15 months conducted by the Connecticut Association for Human Services and the Alliance. Key Findings HERE
Weekly News, July 20, 2020
July 20th Updates
ACTION NEEDED: Call Your U.S. Senators and U.S. Rep to Support $50 Billion Child Care Fund
Down in Washington, DC, leaders are negotiating the next COVID-19 Relief Package. Child care MUST be included in that relief package, or child care programs across the country will be faced with the very real possibility of shuttering for good. The child care industry is a pillar of the American economy. Without it, parents wouldn't be able to work. They need access to stable and safe child care.
Last Thursday, the CT Early Childhood Alliance, CT Association for Human Services, and CSEA-SEIU, hosted a virtual press conference, discussing the current child care crisis. Several providers, both center-based and home-based, spoke to their current situations. Senator Richard Blumenthal and Rep. Rosa DeLauro also attended the virtual presser and spoke to attendees. If you would like to watch the full press conference, it can be found on YouTube, by clicking the graphic below. (Or click this YouTube link). Media coverage included WTNH, CT NewsJunkie and WNPR.
On Wednesday, July 22, Merrill Gay of the CT Early Childhood Alliance and Liz Fraser of CT Association for Human Services penned an op-ed for the CT Mirror/CT Viewpoints. You can read it HERE. Then follow the action steps below.
What to say: Thank them for co-sponsoring the $50 billion Child Care is Essential Act and ask them to please speak to leadership about putting the $50 billion into the COVID Relief Package.
Senator Blumenthal - 202-224-2823
Senator Murphy - 202-224-4041
Your U.S. Rep
Larson - 202-225-2265
Courtney - 202-225-2076
DeLauro - 202-225-3661
Himes - 202-225-5541
Hayes - 202-225-4476
If you're unsure of who your representative is, click HERE.