Bills 2018

The following bills related to early childhood issues have been introduced before the CT General Assembly in 2018.  Follow links to see bill action, language and public hearing testimony.

House Bill 5035 - An act adjusting the state budget for the biennium ending June 30, 2019.  Introduced on Feb. 8; public hearings Feb. 15 - 23.  Alliance testimony.

House Bill 5169 - An act implementing the recommendations of the Office of Early Childhood.  Introduced on Feb. 21; public hearing held on Feb. 26; amended and approved by the Education Committee on Mar. 19; approved by the Public Health Committee on April 17. 

House Bill 5210 - An act mandating insurance coverage of essential health benefits and expanding mandated benefits for women, children and adolescents.  Introduced on Feb. 22; public hearing held on Mar. 1; amended and approved by the Insurance & Real Estate Committee on Mar. 15; amended and approved by the House on April 25.

House Bill 5213 - An act concerning oral health assessments of children.  Introduced on Feb. 22; public hearing held on Mar. 5; amended and approved by the Public Health Committee on Mar. 26.  Alliance testimony.

House Bill 5298 - An act allowing dental assistants to provide fluoride varnish treatments.  Introduced on Feb. 28; public hearing on March 5.  Alliance testimony.

House Bill 5330 - An act concerning homeless children enrolling in child care.  Introduced on Mar. 1; public hearing held on Mar. 6; amended and approved by the Children's Committee on Mar. 15.

House Bill 5342 - An act establishing a task force to study best practices regarding social-emotional learning.  Introduced on Mar. 1; public hearing on Mar. 8; amended and approved by the Education Committee on Mar. 14; amended and approved by the House on April 25.

House Bill 5387 - An act concerning paid family  medical leave.   Introduced on Mar. 1; public hearing on Mar. 8; amended and approved by the Labor Committee on Mar. 20; approved by the Finance Committee.

House Bill 5403 - An act creating a task force to study lead abatement.  Introduced on Mar. 1; public hearing Mar. 6.  Alliance testimony.  Approved by the Banking Committee on Mar. 20.

House Bill 5449 - An act concerning the alignment and merging of early care and education program funding streams, eligibility, rate, and policies.  Introduced on Mar. 7; amended and approved by the Education Committee on Mar. 23; approved by the Appropriations Committee on April 24.

House Bill 5450 - An act concerning the staff qualifications requirement for early education.  Introduced on Mar. 7; public hearing on Mar. 9; amended and approved by the Education Committee on Mar. 19; approved by the House on April 18.

Senate Bill 1 - An act concerning earned family and medical leave.  Introduced on Feb. 7; public hearing on Mar. 8; amended and approved by the Labor Committee on Mar. 20; died in the Finance Committee on April 17.  Alliance testimony.

Senate Bill 183 - An act implementing recommendations of the Department of Education.  Introduced on Feb. 21; public hearing on Feb. 26; amended and approved by Education Committee on Mar. 19; approved by the Appropriations Committee on April 24.

Senate Bill 185 - An act concerning the legislative commissioners' recommendations for technical revisions to the education and early childhood statutes.  Introduced on Feb.21; public hearing on Feb. 26; approved by the Education Committee on Mar. 14..

Senate Bill 206 - An act authorizing pregnancy as a qualifying event for special enrollment periods for certain individuals.  introduced on Feb. 22; public hearing Feb. 27; amended and approved by the Insurance Committee on Mar. 20

Senate Bill 256 - An act concerning racial and ethnic impact statements. Introduced on Feb. 27; public hearing on Mar. 5.  Alliance testimony.  Approved by the Government Administration & Elections Committee on Mar. 9.  Awaiting further action.

Senate Bill  312 - An act concerning the needs of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  Introduced on Mar. 1; public hearing on Mar. 6; amended and approved by the Children's Committee on Mar. 15.

Senate Bill 316 - An act establishing a child care facility neighbor relations task force.  Introduced on Mar. 1; public hearing on Mar. 6; approved by the Children's Committee on Mar. 15.

Senate Bill 321 - An act stabilizing working families by limiting "on call" shift scheduling.  Introduced on Mar. 1; public hearing on Mar. 6.  Alliance testimony.  Bill failed in the Children's Committee on Mar. 15.

Senate Bill 365 - An act concerning early childhood education funding.  Introduced on Mar. 1; public hearing on Mar. 9.  Alliance testimony.

Senate Bill 437 - An act concerning a two-generational initiative.  Introduced on Mar. 7; public hearing on Mar. 13; amended and approved by the Human Services Committee on Mar. 22; approved by the Senate on April 24.

Senate Bill 454 - An act concerning school security.  Introduced on Mar. 7; public hearing on Mar. 14; amended and approved by the Education Committee on Mar. 23.




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  • Samantha Dynowski