Are you a parent who struggles with the cost of childcare? Are you a teacher struggling to pay your bills on an early educator salary, or to pay off student loans? Are you a center director struggling to attract and retain qualified staff, all while dealing with low payment rates from Care4Kids?
Join us on Wednesday, March 6, for Early Childhood Day of Action!
Several bills, including ones that address low-teacher pay, Care4Kids eligibility for students and families earning above 50% of State Median Income, student loan forgiveness, and more, will be heard by the Education Committee. We need people to show up and share their stories and to tell legislators why we need more money for early childhood.
There will be a press conference in the morning, an Education Committee Public Hearing on Early Childhood Bills at 2 p.m., and a rally in support of early childhood issues at 5:30 p.m. Wear YELLOW to show unity for Early Childhood.
Writing testimony? Click HERE to use our handy testimony builder tool.
Need talking points? Click HERE
Sign-up to testify or attend the rally
300 Capitol Ave
Hartford, CT 06106
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