Sources and Methodology

1)2014 Birth numbers and percents as reported by DPH


                Other years:


2) Foreign born mothers: Includes all births outside of 50 US States (1,262 Birth to Mothers born in Puerto Rico are included in this number). 

3) Total number of infants and toddlers:  An estimate based on average of 2010 US Census, 2015 American Community Survey 5 year average, and 2014 births multiplied by 3

4) Infants and toddlers at or below 200% Federal Poverty Level – HUSKY enrollment is used as a proxy for this number.

4) Statewide and community percents for HUSKY, WIC, Care4Kids and B-3 are calculations of total reported number divided by total number of infants and toddlers

5) Licensed infant toddler capacity: family child care capacity estimate is a calculation based on the number of licensed family homes multiplied by 3.  Total capacity is this estimate plus the licensed capacity for centers.  Total capacity is not necessarily the number of spaces offered

                Licensed centers and family child care can be found at       

6) Lead  screening and poisoning numbers and percents are reported directly by DPH per request from the Alliance.  

7) HUSKY Enrolled are those enrolled in  Jan 2016 as reported by DSS per request by the Alliance

8) Birth to 3 Enrolled are those enrolled in FY16


9) WIC Enrolled are those enrolled as reported in Feb 2017 as reported by DSS per request by the Alliance

10) Care4Kids are those enrolled in May 2017 as reported by Care4Kids, 211 child care

                Monthly reports can be found at

11) Licensed care is a calculation as noted in #5 above from report downloaded from OEC in April 2017

12) Birth stats - Places where there are no percents reported are a result of high variability associated with small numbers. As reported by DPH

13) Birth stats - Often when calculating percentages, the denominator is the total births minus the unknowns.  As reported by DPH

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